Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sweaty Finished Ladies

The ladies are done. They are sweaty and tired, but they are done! Now the men just have to finish up their legs.

Tammy shows off her map that got her through the leg. She finished her last leg (#32) at 9:09AM putting the team 17 minutes ahead of their estimated finish time.


  1. Nice job ladies! way to finnish strong and continue to put a little pressure on the guys:)

  2. Good Job Tammy, The ladies did great, now if only the men can hold up there end. I see your picture holding the map, my question is can you read a map? ha haa I guess you can you made it.Very good job and it sure was nice to have this on the web so we could follow you through the race. Hope to see you soon, and we think your a great daughter.
    With LOVE Dad and Mom

  3. Way to go ladies! You should all be proud!!! The men need to finish strong now!

  4. Super Job, gals! Way to run! Thanks for the great effort you put into the race. You make the team (and their families) proud.

    Awesome feeling to be done, I'm sure. Did Nicole hurt her knee? I pray it is not a serious injury. You all look happy - that is a good sign! Congratulations, ladies!

  5. AWESOME TAMMY, you did well and look good too!!!!! YIPPEY! Another milestone under your belt.........happy for you and hope you are getting some food, rest and a great welcome home with your family........STEAKS!!!! Sound good, right?

    LUV YOU and proud of you, YOUR SIS CANDY

  6. It's your sis again, CANDYJune 12, 2010 at 11:55 AM

    Forgot to ask, are you winning? Don't know where to go to track that, so fill us in, tell Justin to type about your standings.

    OF COURSE, always interested in winning, darn SCHUCK IN US!

  7. hey tammy....i talked to you today.....but nice job! 33rd place is great and you all finished ahead of always want that. i'm proud of you..sorry i couldn't watch and follow along.............the boundry waters were calling me!!!!!! love, carla
