Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Leg 32 recap - Chris is Done!

Chris' leg went past Abbott Labs and the Naval Academy before jumping onto a bike path. The guy van was supposed to catch up to Chris at Belvidere St. to give him some water, but they got a late start and even though Al ran a red light in an attempt to catch up, we didn't catch up with Chris until a few streets later.

Chris finished at 10:18AM, finishing his leg in approximately 69 minutes.


  1. Way to go, Al! As my last post said, "Safe is good!" Best be stopping at red lights to keep your team safe.

    There is the wife scolding, in case you guys were afraid to give him "the buiness" about his driving. Love you, Al!

  2. "Business" Oh, I hate when I make spelling errors, but you knew what I meant, right??

  3. Looking good Chris. At least you're smiling. We are proud of you.
    The Mrs. & Paige
