Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Friday, June 11, 2010

The First Dozen

Al finishing up leg 11.

Leg 12 is underway. Fearless leader Jeff Rau is on the trail. Al just finished up his leg at 5:32pm - we're 22 minutes ahead of our estimated pace. In the last 3 legs we've passed 21 teams. Once we start the second rotation, we'll see how everyone has recovered.

We've been alerted their is a yellow alert condition on the course as the heat index is over 90 degrees and will continue at 90+ until at least 8pm. Let's hope the thunderstorms hold off. All the teams should be on the course now as the fastest teams started at 5pm today.

Thanks for all the comments and prayers.


  1. You guys are awesome! keep on hydrating and drinking as much as posible... great job passing other teams and gaining some elbo room with a 20+ minute head start of your estimated pace... Good luck with the second rotation and keep up the good work!!!
    -Dan Rau

  2. Al looks lost. Must be the heat. Keep on drinking Al. Are you having fun yet?

  3. Oh yeah...Go honey! Run Forrest Run!

  4. you all look awesome. I was thinking if you needed, I can go fast in the scooter and do a leg or two....o, I only have one leg.
    Well,keep running. Keep drinking...
    keep smiling!
