Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pictures from Legs 8 - 10

Chris getting the handoff from Tammy. Tammy finished at 2:30pm (25 minutes for her leg). Chris finished his leg at 3:00pm (30 minutes for his leg)

Justin after the finish of his leg. A cool backdrop along the Glacial Drumlin trail. He finished his leg at 3:58 (58 minutes)
Vern coming in to the finish of his leg. He finished at 4:45pm (47 minutes)


  1. Beautiful Wisconsin trails...a nice reminder on a humid-sweltering day why we moved here.

  2. Looking good, Vern!! What a lovely area but bet it's hot. Sounds like you are running good times. mom

  3. Your little SIS, CANDYJune 11, 2010 at 10:03 PM

    Looking good TAMMY, now are you up for the next run? Around midnight I hear..........will you be wearing a head light like the one gal? Would hope to see a picture of that. And mom said you have some blinking lights for your butt? WHAT is that about? Praying for you........this is fun watching the progress online......wish I could be there to cheer you of luck and will check in later. LUV your sis
