Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Finishing Times

You can check out the finishing times on the Estimated Race Times tab at the top of the blog or you can check it out here.

Just a note about the race times -- times were recorded by the time of day on the clock, so the pace/mile might not be entirely accurate because times were generally rounded to the minute. For example, if you finished at 12:10:32 seconds, you might have gotten a 12:10 PM finish time, cutting your time by 32 seconds. We also had a discrepancy between our clock and the race clock by a couple of minutes. Plus, we're not entirely sure how the rain delay will shake out. But you can get a general idea of how things went by the log we've kept.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you all and thank you for the vicarious opportunity to travel with you all thru your blog and get a little piece of your adventure. What a delight. Sleep well and blessings to you all. tommie
