Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Garmin Survives

Al tried to destroy his Garmin (or it tried to commit suicide) by leaving it on top of the van as we left a transfer area. But he heard it fly off the room, pulled a quick U turn and Jeff ran across the road to save it from further damage. The Garmin still works and Jeff claims that it might be a little more accurate now. Here's a picture of the scuffs....


  1. The "Garmin" that just keeps on "running" - glad to hear it survived the fall. Kind of like it's owner that "falls and just keeps on running!" (right, Jeff??)

    Goodnight, all! Keep on running!

  2. haha... old tecnology never fails when it comes to being nearly indestructable... you trully get your moneys worth:)
