Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Red Alert

Ominous storm clouds causing a stoppage in the racing

We're stuck at transfer point 33 waiting out a thunderstorm. Justin finished the leg at 10:55AM and we all piled in to the van just as it started to rain. We haven't had anything severe happen in our area, but the course officials want to play it safe. The storm looks to be dissipating so we're hoping to get underway in a half hour or so.


  1. Safe is good! I pray you won't be "stuck" much longer. Happy running!

  2. Justin, I have to ask - why the "handicap accessible" symbol where we retype the letters to be able to publish our post? Just wondering.

    Tell Al the answer and he can relay it to me.

    Thanks! This blog is awesome!
