Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Leg 16 Underway

The sun has set not long ago, and it's still hot and that's causing times to be slow. Eric has just finished up his second leg. It was a long run (7.65 miles) and he finished at 8:49PM for a 64 minute run. We're still tracking 12 minutes ahead of our estimated pace. We're under a yellow heat advisory that isn't expected to be lifted until 10PM this evening.

Kathleen is now running leg 16 and Chris is accompanying her on the bike. With the sun set, we won't be taking or posting many pictures and some of us are going to try to catch a little nap. So the blogging will slow down considerably, but we'll pick it back up tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Nighty night. Don't let the bed bugs bite:) Praying for peace and rest for all. Eric S., Ric P. and I are going to go eat big doughnuts now and think of you. Ha ha!
