Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Introducing Al Bausch

Al is running legs 11, 23, and 35.

Since Al has neglected to send me any information, I'll have to go with the story that I know and whatever sounds nice. So most of this is true, at least in my mind.

Al is bordering on an addiction to marathon running. He recently completed his 26th marathon (just beating the clock at Madison) and finished his 25th marathon before he turned 50. And all this marathon activity has happened in the last 8 years. Before that, he never ran a step. Well, maybe if he was being chased, but nothing on purpose at least.

Al started his running journey with interval training. He ran from mailbox to mailbox as fast as he could. After a while, some friends taught him about pace and challenged him to a race and some longer runs. These are called "gateway races" for the addicted marathon runner. It wasn't long and Al was running marathons. At his current marathon pace, he'll likely complete 3,472 marathons before he dies and he'll probably only take a week off after his last marathon before he enters the pearly gates of heaven.

Al is convinced that this relay will be easy because the total distance is less than a marathon and there are big breaks in between. I hope he's right, but this blog will reveal the truth.

Before you go, check out this video of Al carrying his bride of 25 years across the finish line at his 25th marathon finish - the Wisconsin marathon.

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