Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Leg 17 Underway

Kathleen just finished up leg 16 - our first run in the dark of night. She finished at 9:29pm - right on schedule (40 minutes). We're still tracking 12 minutes ahead of projected finish. So far, so good. Thanks again for the prayers and comments.

Nicole is running leg 17 Here's a shot of her running as we drove by in the van. Chris is still following behind on the bike.


  1. Good luck and safety as you run thru the night. Hopefully, it well be cooler. You are in my prayers and good thoughts. tommie

  2. Wishing you a safe night. You all look great. I'm proud of you Dad. Love Paige

  3. Nicole, you look so cute in night attire. Where can I get that headgear? I have a feeling that it will soon be all the rage!
    So proud of your bravery. Thanks Chris for keeping all of my girlfriends safe!

  4. Great job Nicole, you are inspiring me to do great things also. I have started working out and I am determined to get in shape. Thanks!!!!
