Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Leg 18 Update

Pam is out on leg 18. Vern is accompanying her on the bike. Nicole finished up her leg at 10:08PM (39 minutes). She did great, especially since her knee is bothering her so keep her in your prayers for a recovery. We're still tracking 10 minutes ahead of scheduled pace which is great since it still is about 80 degrees.


  1. Tell nicole that we are all here and pullin for her :)

  2. Congrats!!! You guys are half way there!!!! Your amazing:)

  3. Mom and Dad SchuckJune 11, 2010 at 10:55 PM

    Hi Tammy, You will be running soon so Mom and Dad wish you safety and a good 6 miles. You can do it and we think your team is great. Love you and prayers with you.
    Mom and Dad

  4. YOUR SISTER, CANDYJune 11, 2010 at 11:02 PM

    I am still up TAMMY if that helps will do great.......stay motivated, one mile at a time and keep one foot in front of the other.


  5. Mom and Dad SchuckJune 11, 2010 at 11:22 PM

    Leg 19 Tammy must be running now it's 11:20 but no update yet. Keep the lites on and go your 6 miles. Hope it is a little cooler to run at nite.
    Mom and Dad

  6. YOUR RUNNING.......I AM STILL UP.......all is good. Cooler temps would be a positive for your longer run......hope you hae your head light on....and maybe you are running with someone or someone is around.......prayers going out to you and your team.
    Luv ya sis!!!

  7. Mom and Dad say Hi to all and you all sound like great people--keep up the good work while we sleep! Be safe and keep hydrated--nobody over-do it in the heat please.

  8. Hey, how about a shout out to the single dad's burning the midnight oil still rooting for their amazing women. Love ya Tammy.
