Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Introducing Pam Peterson

Pam Peterson is running legs 6, 18, and 30 for the team. Pam, 42, works from home for a company called HealthPro that does temporary recruiting and staffing of pharmacists.

Pam loves to run, bike, and travel and spends a lot of time watching her daughters play soccer.

Pam is approaching her 20th anniversary (October) with her husband Hugh and has two teenage daughters who play a lot of soccer.

Pam ran cross country in high school and continued to run "off and on very casually to stay in shape." But in 2006, a friend challenged her to run the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon. Since then she has run Chicago in 2007 and Madison in 2009. She's also done several long bike rides - a bike ride across Wisconsin with her dad in 2008 and the MS150 with her dad, husband and sister-in-law in 2009. She plans to ride the MS150 again this August.

Pam's goal for the MC200 is to have a great time. She joined on because it sounded like a fun new challenge.

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