Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Introducing Vern Witthuhn

Vern is a 47 year old environmental engineer who works with Jeff and Justin. Vern is running legs 10, 22, 34.

Vern is married and has two kids, both high school track athletes. Vern's running highlights include running the first two Crazylegs Runs when it was just a small race. He didn't run Crazylegs again until the 25th anniversary and has now run Crazylegs seven times. Vern's racing profile also includes the Syttende Mai 2008, Grandma's Marathon 2008, and the Madison Marathon 2009. When not at work or running, Vern and family enjoy cycling and fishing.

Vern was the first team member to accept Jeff's invitation to join the team. He agreed to join the team after thinking about it for about 30 seconds which included a quick check with the wife. Now that's fast! He is looking for to the physical challenge and the team camaraderie.


  1. Good luck Vern and have fun in Chicago this weekend. Keep a look out for the cup.

