Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Legs 18-22 in the Books

It's the middle of the night and it's finally feeling a little cooler. You can call it "bearable" now. Vern just finished up a short and fast leg 22 (3.04 miles in under 24 minutes!, finishing at 2:09AM). We're still tracking ahead of schedule by 13 minutes. We'll need that time as it heats out tomorrow.

Justin finished up Leg 21, a 6.46 jaunt, in just under 44 minutes at 1:45am.

Chris did a long 7.55 leg 20 in 59 minutes at 1:01 AM.

Tammy finished a deceptively hilly 6.25 mile run in just under one hour (59 minutes) just after midnight (12:02AM)

Pam finished up leg 18, a 6.12 mile run, in 55 minutes at 11:03AM.

Navigating in the dark is becoming a little harder, but we're managing. We haven't missed anyone at the transfer points yet.


  1. Good going...still ahead of times. Glad you got thru the night without mishaps. tommie

  2. Tammy, Glad everyone made it through the nite with running. It won't be long now and the race will be done. You have to run at 8:30 yet so good luck. We are proud of you. We pray for safety today and when you trvel home to your family.
    LOVE Dad @ Mom
