Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Introducing Sara Schwartz

Sara is running legs 2, 14, and 26 for the team.

Sara has been married to her husband Eric for 22 years and has 4 children ages 12-19. With 4 children, she's on the go, shuffling children back and forth to events such as swim meets and basketball tournaments while running a household. Official title: Domestic Engineer. Job Description: everything!

Her hobbies include taking children to sporting events, reading, scripture memory, running, singing on Hillcrest's worship team, traveling, being outside, and weekly date nights with Eric.

Despite saying, "I hate running", Sara has an accomplished running career. She's run 7 marathons including the Boston Marathon twice. At one point in her life, she had surgery and was told she would never run again. It was after that she qualified for Boston. She proved the doctors wrong on that one! She is a consistent runner according to running partner and teammate Michelle. " No matter how tired she says she is, her performance never seems to waiver."

1 comment:

  1. You look great . Keep going. We are praying for you, oo and Jo says hi. He is having a blast!
