Racing is Finished

Final time is 28 hours and 8 minutes (unofficial time)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Final Results

Final results
of the race are available. Click here. (6/14 Update - these links now seem to be broken; perhaps my comments below were echoed by other teams and adjustments are coming)

According to the results, we finished 33rd out of 197 teams in a time of 29 hours, 28 minutes and 8 seconds. Congrats to all the runners on Cheaper By the Dozen for this great result.

I do have a few comments and questions about the results though. The finishing time seems to include the "storm delay". As the runner who ran the leg coming into the transfer area where the red alert was issued, I would like to see every minute of my leg count. Based on the current results, I could have run a much more leisurely leg and we'd still have the same time!

We also seem to be lumped into the "Mixed Open" category rather than the 50/50 category since our team consisted of 6 men and 6 women. So it's my hope that the results are amended after some review. However, even if the results are not updated, this has been a great experience and it was a pleasure to run with such a fun group.

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